Brand strategy

We take companies to the next level by focusing on brand as a driver of transition


Energize your business, foster drive growth and align with the digital and sustainable transition through effective brand positioning and a comprehensive marketing strategy.

Positioning & branding

Positioning the brand in a global and local universe, building a unique, distinctive and innovative concept, including story telling, slogan, sales pitch, etc.

Working the company around the brand means thinking the whole quintessence of a business in terms of meaning, marketing opportunities and market development.

In the digital age, brand positioning has become the basis of corporate visibility and performance. It is the brand discourse that will generate organic referencing for a distinctive and unique product/service/company.

Our brand positioning process integrates the transformation of your sales catalog into the answer to needs and market segments.

The result: an effective, visible brand, directly targeted segments and a community that shares your values.

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Creating your brand from scratch

From idea to commercial reality

We have the skills to create and develop your brand: branding & marketing strategy, business plan, legal aspects & trademark registration , brand design & websites

Step 1

Positioning the brand in a global and local universe, building a unique, distinctive and innovative concept, including story telling, slogan, sales pitch, etc.

Step 2

Naming, brand name development and registration

Step 3

Go-to-market strategy , the complete roadmap of actions to be taken and growth levers to be used to achieve the ambition.

Step 4

Development of brand visuals and website or digital ecosystem in line with defined strategies

Step 5

Complete business plan for presentation to investors, budget assessment and growth milestones


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Go-to-market strategy

Is a complete roadmap incorporating all the actions to be taken to achieve your ambition.

The digital economy has different growth levers from the traditional economy, which are based on brand and data.

Our process includes :

– Defining your market segments, i.e. transforming your sales catalog into market needs and market segments, the only guarantee of digital performance and visibility.

-co-branding, to build a community or give your brand a different image

-The construction of a complete ecosystem including all stakeholders, whether customers, suppliers, institutions, etc., i.e. the beginning of data constitution.

-The construction of a complete ecosystem including all stakeholders, whether customers, suppliers, institutions, etc., i.e. the beginning of data constitution.

-Brand licensing for diversification projects

-A commitment to sustainability

-Website ergonomics for maximum performance

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National and international brand name development

Admarka is a brand of Swiss House of Brands, Switzerland’s leading naming agency with 25 years’ experience working with multinationals as well as SMEs and start-ups.

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View Admarka’s Website

Brand architecture

Brand architecture can express two slightly different things:

-In a strategy of independence, the corporate brand (e.g. Nestlé) fades behind its daughter brands: Nespresso, Nescafé to address different markets.

-In an umbrella/institutional brand strategy, all sub-brands share the same brand name, but are differentiated in their descriptions: Google books, Google Groups, Google videos, Google translate, etc.

-We speak of brand architecture as opposed to brand structure when brands and sub-brands share a common marker – in our examples, this is NE for the Nestlé Group, or Google in the 2nd case.

Why build a brand architecture?

In both cases, the aim is to reinforce brand awareness, positioning and visibility to address different segments and needs. The nominal structure is also used to organize an assortment of products and services more visibly and efficiently, and increasingly to organize Data.

In the most complex cases, this involves reorganizing product & brand structures involving several thousand entities.

We have worked for major industrial groups such as Constellium and Alstom in this field.

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Financial valuation of a brand

The financial valuation of a brand is built on 3 pillars:

-Legal audit, the strength and scope of its legal protection – intellectual property

-Marketing audit, the brand’s history, visibility and notoriety, and its potential for geographic expansion and diversification.

-Traditional financial valuation (EBIT, sales)

– Our financial evaluation will express 2 values, a justified value and a potential value, which greatly facilitates negotiations and avoids several requests for appraisal.

This financial evaluation is carried out in collaboration with our partner, Prins Propriété Intellectuelle SA in Geneva.

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Sustainable corporate transition - ESG/RSE strategy and advice

Awareness-raising, diagnostics, transition processes based on the ESG/RSE model, transformation of your value chain (service/product/management), construction of a sustainability charter or development of responsible tools.

At the end of your sustainability strategy, we add value to your commitment by revisiting your brand’s storytelling.


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Support for B Corp and other certifications

Obtaining B Corp certification or other more local certifications is a long journey through the sustainability of your own company.

Find out more about BLab Switzerland


We can help you prepare your company, optimize your structure and even recommend a certification before you start the process.


We can also help you to develop your own certification for a territorial brand or an industry/trade.


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Non-financial report & KVI

Coming soon


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Creation of alliances and development of labels for an industry/trade

To achieve sustainability across the entire value chain, companies need to act energetically, but above all collectively, to transform their ecosystems.


In addition, alliances are becoming necessary in terms of resources to be able to respond to the various shortages that will increase.


We can help you set up a label and organise alliances by industry and/or profession.


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Drawing up a Sustainability Charter

This will define your sustainable commitment in 3 dimensions: environmental, economic and social. It’s the 1st step towards sustainable commitment.


This approach requires preparation with management, which will then provide the impetus for collective work with employees. Following this work, the corporate brand discourse is then revisited to integrate sustainability into your communication. A specific document and layout is also provided.


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Our approach to sustainability

Our approach is pragmatic and entrepreneurial, integrating the sustainable transformation of your company by responding to environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria and developing measured and measurable long-term solutions (ODDs).

At the end of the process, we deliver the marketing and communication elements to ensure that your investment is quickly and visibly translated into added value.

As brand experts, we have experience in the development of label and certification brand building, as well as Alliance/Foundation building by trade.

We were going to :

  • certified expertise (SHB’s founders are certified in Sustainable Business Management from Cambridge University)
  • expertise in corporate governance (certified training)
  • expertise in market development
  • an extensive network in Switzerland covering all technical and scientific aspects of sustainability

See case studies & content

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Swiss House of Brands

Place de la Gare 11 – 1296 Coppet – Suisse

+41 22 756 05 05