The 8 keys to brand performance

In the era of the digital economy, the corporate brand is no longer a detachable element of the company, the brand has become the key resource of the company and its organization

No business performance without a brand – Why?

Because the brand is the only element that is transversal to the whole company and that allows the global transformation necessary to use the full potential of digital technologies


1 – Brand positioning & market segments

The1st The 1st step of Brand performance is the brand positioning and the transformation of the product catalog into market segments. People are looking for a solution or the answer to a problem on a search engine and not the description nor technical specification but simply the answer to very targeted needs



2 – Brand Content: articles

If the depth of expertise is measured by your market segments, i.e. the response to a targeted need, it is essential to publish content that refers to each targeted need. For example, wealth management for an entrepreneur has other needs and other specificities than wealth management for an executive

3 – Definition and construction of the brand ecosystem

In addition to the traditional list of actual and potential customers, the company’s ecosystem includes the complete listing of everything that makes your company exist: customers, subcontractors, suppliers, partners, professional associations, companies outside your field of activity with which you share the same type of customers, the academic world, the offline and online media, influencers, etc…


5 – Data

Data is the collective information that links all operations and allows for very precise and targeted steering of the company’s organization and monitoring of the impact of marketing deployment



6 – Establish Brand KPI’s

Brand KPI’s, particularly for small and medium-sized companies, are merged with the company’s KPI’s at the strategic level, since digital has become the main channel of communication/sales in most economic activities. If brand awareness and recognition of expertise will determine the turnover generated by the ability to acquire new customers, the sustainability of the brand is now an essential factor of differentiation and added value for the company to be included in the KPI’s




7 – Brand Monitoring

On the other hand, brand monitoring provides relevant information to improve its performance and even anticipate opportunities or threats. There are many monitoring software and among the most relevant information, the position of your brand on the pages of search engines, your position in relation to the keywords you have defined, the monitoring of your market and your competitors, etc.



8 – Digital technology

The choice of a digital support is crucial, the traditional static website has had its day because it does not allow the interaction that Data allows to generate performance and a targeted performance. Today, there are turnkey platforms that integrate the entire organization of your company, whether it is communication / sales with an integrated CRM, the management of your communication flows (social networks, newsletters, etc.) as well as the promotion of brand content on search engines.